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Facilitation is the process of making something possible. And if you’ve ever led a meeting or organized a group to get something done… you’ve been a facilitator.

When we are part of a well facilitated group experience, collaboration can feel so effortless and productive. Often there’s a sense of flow and dynamic energy. And you can more easily navigate conflict — when it inevitably arises. This episode continues our inquiry into group dynamics, exploring one of the most vital skills in the design toolkit for change. Originally from Indonesia, Mila Aliana has had quite a remarkable journey leading strategic change projects all over the world. For her, facilitation isn’t just a skill, but a way of being in the world. Together we explore the practice and presence required to facilitate real breakthroughs within groups.

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My survival depends on your survival. My success depends on yours.
— Mila Aliana

About our guest

Mila Aliana is a global senior consultant who has led strategic change projects all over the world. She’s facilitated groups from global multi-million dollar initiatives to grassroots activism — working with and for companies, governments, NGOs & non-profits. Mila has an intimate knowledge of the complex and systemic challenges faced within organizational and societal change.

Recently, Mila has been closely involved with Prosocial, influenced by Elinor Ostrom’s core design principles, David Sloan Wilson’s evolution of cooperation, and Paul Atkins and Steve Hayes’ behavioral science approach relating to psychological flexibility and the ACT matrix. She is also involved in regenerative practices with Joe Brewer’s Earth Regenerators community. Her work is also informed by the Human Systems Dynamics (HSD) and Regenesis Group. Mila is also an Emissary for a global Indigenous Elders circle. This role has provided her with an experiential learning of the timeless wisdom of indigenous life and pathways.

Mila is on a quest to explore and experiment with human ecosystem collaborations that serve life and future generations. Together with a variety of communities, groups and organizations, she is actively prototyping decentralised, self-organising human systems — supported by participative design, prosocial collaborations, regenerative practices, and human system dynamics.

Connect with Mila on Linked In

Links & resources from this episode:

Mila’s Links:

Guardian of Life

Value Flow

Fair Shares Commons

Restorative Practices

The Regenerative Practitioner

Regenerative Economy and Designers

Prosocial World

Human Systems Dynamics

Facilitation Courses & Resources:

Prosocial Facilitation

IDEO: Cultivating Creative Collaboration

IDEO: From Superpowers to Great Teams

IDEO.org Human Centered Design Kit

IDEO.org Human Centered Design Facilitator’s Guide

IDEO U Collaboration Resources


Running Workshops in Miro

Catalytic Questions Toolkit

The Commons Library: Facilitation Tools & Techniques

Session Lab: Facilitation Skills

Session Lab: Remote Facilitation

Quote Attributions:

“The success of an intervention depends on the interior condition of the intervenor”
― Bill O’Brien

“When we see others as the enemy, we risk becoming what we hate. When we oppress others, we end up oppressing ourselves. All of our humanity is dependent upon recognizing the humanity in others.”

― Desmond Tutu

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