A Vanishing Point


Photo by Tomas Anunziata from Pexels

“We walk in a world of extraordinary beauty that we are in no condition to see.”

In a world full of mass produced objects and experiences, designed for anyone and everyone, Abraham Burickson designs for someone. As co-founder of Odyssey Works, he has been experimenting with a highly bespoke form of design that breaks the mold. From performances made for an audience of one, to homes designed for who you want to become, Abe’s work is a vanishing point for empathetic experience design.

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We walk in a world of extraordinary beauty that we are in no condition to see.
— Abraham Burickson

About our guest

Abraham Burickson, Co-Founder of Odyssey Works and the Experience Design Certificate Program, has spent more than two decades exploring the relationship between what we make and how it is experienced. Trained in architecture at Cornell University and in poetry and playwriting at the Michener Center for Writers, he has also studied the transformative power of designed experience with the Whirling Dervishes of Turkey, the Shuar of the Ecuadorian Amazon, and with countless artists, designers, and students through Odyssey Works. He is also the founder of The Long Architecture Project, which rethinks architectural practice from the perspective of Experience Design. He has won prizes, lectured and taught widely, created experiences in the USA, Mexico and online, given a TEDxtalk, and was once hired by German television to kidnap an American skateboarding champion. His work has been discussed in The New York Times, Newsweek, FastCoDesign, and in many other outlets. He is the co-author, with Ayden LeRoux, of Odyssey Works: Transformative Experiences for an Audience of One (Princeton Architectural Press, 2016) and is currently working on a book about Experience Design.

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